Divorces Involving Orders for Protection or Child Protective Services
As a parent, nothing is more important than the protection of your child and your continued ability to have a strong and meaningful relationship with him or her.
Victims of domestic abuse and people falsely accused of abuse are in very difficult positions. Victims of abuse frequently feel they have nowhere to turn. Victims of false abuse allegations often feel that there is no way to counter the lies and exaggerations of a spouse who is abusing the court system for personal gain.
At the law firm of Brooke, Brady & Schopfer, LLP, in Poughkeepsie, New York, we provide experienced and dedicated representation to people facing difficult family challenges. We handle all spousal abuse and child abuse issues that may arise in a family law case, including:
- Orders for protection (restraining orders)
- Divorce involving domestic abuse
- Motions for restricted/supervised visitation
- Modifications of child custody or visitation based on incidents of abuse
- Defense of false physical or sexual abuse allegations
- Defense in Child Protective Services investigations
If You or Your Child Has Been Abused
No person should ever have to suffer the brutality and degradation of abuse. If you or your children have been abused, our Poughkeepsie domestic abuse attorneys can help you protect your rights and seek an order of protection, even if you do not want a divorce or are not married. We can pursue an award of temporary full custody and child support during the court hearing.
If you decide that you want to file for divorce, we can handle your divorce as well. If you have already divorced and your children have been abused, we can seek a change of custody. If you already have custody, we can seek supervised parenting time or no parenting time in cases of extreme danger.
False Accusations of Spousal Abuse
Unfortunately, false allegations of domestic violence do occur before, during and after divorce and family court proceedings. If you have been falsely accused of spousal abuse, child abuse or sexual abuse, we can provide a vigorous defense of your rights in family law proceedings.
We know how difficult it can be when you must respond to false allegations that may affect your rights as a parent. We also defend the rights of parents who are facing false allegations of abuse or neglect by the state in Social Services and Child Protective Services proceedings.
We Are Respected for Our Even-Handed Approach to Family Law
Our lawyers represent a fairly even number of male and female clients. We have represented many clients who have been the victims of abuse and many clients who have been the victims of false allegations. Because we do not limit ourselves to one side or the other, we have created a reputation for credibility that we believe is a major asset to the clients we represent.
Contact Us
To speak with a Dutchess County family law attorney at our firm, call 845-454-2540 or contact us by e-mail to schedule a free initial consultation today.